After compiling the four categories of people who are incredibly valuable to the county - people who live here (and may commute), visitors to the county, those looking to study at our top universities and the businesses looking to move their operations here no matter how big or small - we've devised a campaign which targets each uniquely.

We felt that each has their own ebb and flow or, rhythm, whether it be looking to slow down their pace from the likes of London and move to Kent through to finding their own place such as moving out from home and heading to university. Therefore we've devised the following lines to appeal to each market of Businesses, Relocators (Commuters), Students, and Visitors, called the Rhythm of Kent:

  • Businesses: FIND YOUR SPACE
  • Relocators (Commuters): A CHANGE OF PACE
  • Students: FIND YOUR PLACE
  • Visitors: FIND YOUR PACE

Below are links to a series of assets which you can use to help talk about the Rhythm of Kent and give cohesion to your Kentish message!

Rhythm of Kent stickers

Download the five Rhythm of Kent stickers, each useful for the four audiences of businesses, relocators, students and visitors.

Rhythm of Kent videos

Download the five Rhythm of Kent videos, each guiding people through the four audiences of businesses, relocators, students and visitors.